Open Data

Open data applies to a range of materials, including datasets, statistics, transcripts, survey results, and the metadata information associated with these objects. The data is, in essence, the factual information that is necessary to replicate and verify research results. Open data policies usually encompass the notion that machine extraction, manipulation, and meta-analysis of data should be permissible.

Importance of Open Data

  • Accelerates the pace of discovery. When datasets are openly available, they can be easily accessed and used to create a fuller picture of a given area of inquiry, or analyzed by data mining software that can uncover connections not apparent to those who produced the original data.
  • Helps ensure we don’t miss breakthroughs. There are a huge number of ways to use or analyze any given dataset. What seems like noise to one person could be an important discovery to someone else with a different perspective, methodology, or analytical technique.
  • Improves the integrity of the scientific and scholarly record. When the data that underlies findings is accessible, researchers can check each other’s work and ensure that conclusions are built upon a firm foundation.
  • Is becoming recognized by many in the research community as an important part of the research enterprise of the 21st century. From research funders like the US government to publishers, institutions involved in the research process are beginning to require that, at the very least, the data that underlies publications be made openly accessible.

  • Organize, describe, and ensure access to your datasets over time.
  • Prepare a Data Management Plan for all projects and to meet funder requirements.
  • Share your data during and/or following your project per protocols from funders, journals, and as best practice.

  • Share your data with collaborators and publish datasets, findings, and metadata.
  • Each dataset is minted a DOI for citations and ensuring credit to your research data work.
  • Meet grant-funding and publisher requirements by publishing your datasets in the Dataverse Repository and increasing visibility and impact.