Open Publishing

How to Budget for Open Publishing

Budget in Grant Proposal

If you intend to publish your research findings, consider including publishing costs in your extramural project budget. Publishing costs are an allowable direct cost, unless explicitly listed in the funder's RFA/RFP as an unallowable expense.

The open access publishing fee, also known as an article processing charge (APC), varies by journal. To make the most accurate estimate:

  1. Consider where you anticipate submitting your research for publication, and
  2. Look up the APC on the journal's website.
  3. If you do not know yet where you will publish, $3,000 per article is a reasonable estimate.

Open Publishing Agreements and Discounts

Agreements & Discounts

The Texas State University Libraries is committed to making it easier and more affordable for TXST authors to publish open access.

The University Libraries negotiate agreements with scholarly journal publishers to reduce the amount authors must pay when they choose to publish open access. Most agreements offer up to full coverage of the open access fees; others offer a discount. 

Not all publishers, or open access journals, charge a fee to publish an article open access.

Find details on negotiated agreements in the University Libraries FAQs.

Open Journal Hosting

Open Journal Systems

The Texas State University Libraries provides open journal hosting services to all TXST faculty, staff, and students. Journals are published using Open Journals System (OJS), an open-source editorial management and publishing system. OJS provides a professional online presence and can be used to manage some or all of the stages of the journal publishing process: submissions, peer review, the editorial process, online publishing, and indexing. Articles are licensed for reuse using a Creative Commons license.