Digital Publishing

Share your research with the world. We help TXST faculty, staff, and students publish original and peer-reviewed research online.

Open Journal Systems

The Texas State University Libraries provides open journal hosting services to all TXST faculty, staff, and students. Through our membership in the Texas Digital Library consortium, journals are published using Open Journals System (OJS), an open-source editorial management and publishing system. OJS provides a professional online presence and can be used to manage some or all of the stages of the journal publishing process: submissions, peer review, the editorial process, online publishing, and indexing. Articles are licensed for reuse using a Creative Commons license.

New Journal Checklist

Below are things to consider before starting a new journal with Texas State University's Digital Publishing Team. All of our journals are hosted through Open Journal Systems. They are fully open access and licensed for reuse using a Creative Commons license.



Editorial Board

Define the Scope

  • What need will this journal be filling?
  • What discipline(s) does this journal fall into?
  • Does this journal offer a unique contribution to the field?
  • How will this journal be funded?
  • Who will be contributing their time?
  • How will they be compensated?
  • Who will serve on your editorial board?
  • How will the journal be maintained over time?
  • Can it be sustained for at least three years?
  • What is the aim of your journal? 
  • What does this journal hope to accomplish?
  • How will the journal accomplish its purpose?
  • What types of contributions will the journal accept?
  • What parameters are there for rejection of content?

Migrating an Existing Journal to OJS

We can work with existing journal editors to determine eligibility and feasibility for migrating your existing journal to the Open Journal Systems platform.

Current Platform



  • What current digital platform are you using?
  • Has your journal been in print, only digital, or a combination?
  • Are there features you are looking for, such as audio/visual needs?
  • Approximately how many issues have been published?
  • What is the average publication schedule (e.g., annually, bi-annually, monthly)?
  • Approximately how many issues do you plan to publish each year?
  • Does your journal currently have an ISSN identifier?
  • Does your journal currently include minting Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)?
  • Do you currently incorporate ORCID iDs for authors?

Featured Journals

New Journal Request Form

Ready to host your open access journal in the OJS platform? Fill out the open journal request form and get started today.

New ISSN Request Form

Does your journal need persistent identifiers like an ISSN or DOI? Start here by filling out a request for an ISSN.

Frequently Asked Questions