Individuals with Disabilities

University Libraries strive to make our spaces and resources accessible to all. Inquiries related to campus accessibility for people with disabilities should be directed to the Office of Disability Services.

  • All Texas State parking lots and garages provide parking spaces for people with disabilities. You must display a valid state-issued ADA parking placard.  Note: some accessible parking spots also require a Texas State Parking permit. Look for signs indicating whether this is required.

    Alkek - You can locate accessible parking spots in the library's parking garage at the end of Talbot St. (behind Jones Dining Hall). Faculty and staff can request a gate access card from the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Additional accessible parking is located at the end of Talbot St. outside the gate. There is a guard booth at the entrance of the garage from 7 am to 5 pm (Monday through Friday) if you need help locating a space.

    Round Rock - The RRC Library is located in Avery 255. There are accessible parking spots in the Avery Building parking lot near the main entrance.

  • A 4-tiered ramp is located on the south side (the side nearest to downtown) of the library. At the top of the ramp, the Alkek Library Teaching Theater will be on your right. Proceed forward around the Teaching Theater to the library breezeway. The automatic door is the last door on the right.

    Another automatic doo entrance is located on the east side of the library near Derrick Hall on the first floor of Alkek Library.

  • Go into the nearest stairwell and shut the door so that the stairwell remains fireproof.
    Firefighters and police know to check these areas and will assist you out of the building.
    Do not use the elevators.

  • Library Staff at both the Alkek and RRC Libraries can help direct you to books, journals, and other sources for your research.

    You can also call use the Ask Us chat or Schedule an appointment for assistance.

    Alkek - The Ask Alkek Desk on the second floor of the building has a wheelchair accessible service point for seeking assistance from library staff.

  • Library staff can assist with retrieving items from library shelves. Every effort is made to provide prompt assistance, however library staff may require additional time during peak hours and on the weekends.
    To retrieve a large number of items, please allow at least 24 hours turnaround time.

    Books, Media, and ReservesAsk Alkek Desk, Floor 2
  • Book drops are located at the library entrance and there is a drive-through book drop in the library parking garage entrance off Talbot Street. You do not need to enter the gate to access this book drop.

  • The library has a number of software programs that are designed to assist people with disabilities. These are available on two workstations on the main (2nd) floor of the library near the collaboration rooms. Inquire at the Ask Alkek Desk for assistance locating these computers. Software list includes: 

    Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Eliminates keyboard use by allowing user to enter text and control programs by voice. To use this system you must set up a voice file which may require several hours of training. Success of the voice recognition program varies among users. 

    JAWS - Interactive computer program designed to make Windows and Windows-based applications accessible to the blind/visually impaired. The program provides screen magnification and speech synthesis for screen description, commands, creating, editing, and reading electronic documents.

    OpenBook - Converts printed documents or graphic-based text into an electronic text format using high-quality speech and the optical character recognition (OCR) technology.

    ZoomText - Enlarges and reads aloud everything on the computer screen.

  • Alkek 510 is a reservable group study room with an adjustable height table for those with wheelchairs. The room can be reserved by anyone, but if an individual with a disability needs the space patrons without a disability may be asked to forfeit their reservation. Reserve the room through the library's online room reservation system

Additional Assistance

Assistive Technology


Library Accessibility Coordinator