Open Access

“Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access is the needed modern update for the communication of research that fully utilizes the Internet for what it was originally built to do – accelerate research.”

– Scholarly Publishing and Research Coalition (SPARC)

Benefits of Open Access

Benefits of Open

Open access aligns with the Texas State University's mission as a public university, and offers a number of benefits to you, your coauthors, the scholarly community, and the public.

  • Compliance: Some grants require open access publication of funded research findings.
  • Exposure: Wider dissemination, higher visibility, and faster discovery of your research.
  • Scholarly Impact: Higher citation rates than articles behind a paywall.
  • Real-World Impact: Practitioners can apply your findings; your research can influence public policy.
  • Public Access: Texas taxpayers, and the broader public, can access TXST research.
  • Equity: Researchers in developing countries can access your work.

Ensuring Open Access to Research

Share Your Work Open

  • Budget for open access publishing your grant funding application.
  • Seek reputable and peer-reviewed journals in your discipline that are open access or offer open access options.
  • Include your Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version in the TXST Digital Repository.
    • Most publishers will allow sharing the AAM version in the institutional repository; You can also negotiate to include the final version.

Texas State University Resources

  • Share your work in the open TXST Digital Repository.
  • For each item, there are viewable statistics and a permanent link for sharing broadly and citations.
  • Depositing your research work increases visibility, citations, and the impact of your work.

  • Copyright law grants authors/creators a set of exclusive rights over their works and the ability to transfer one or more of these rights to another party.
  • Publishing agreements are negotiable and authors/creators may ensure rights to sharing and access of their work.